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Vibrance ♥
particular of SKSI ♥
Sunday 18 December 2011 | 0 narnians

assalamualaikum everybody :)

this entry is about Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Indah taw . not Seksi . haha

i ingat , i'm the one who miss my old school , i was wrong . u know why ?
i just post this in our reunion club : " dulu sapa suka maen pusing2 kat tiang besi seri indah ? haha . bestnya dulu :D "
and they said "aku , aku , aku"
haha . its kinda funny but , that's our joyful moment . i miss it damn much . hehe . i wanna running round the class , adorable right ? hehe . i wanna have hand rival . i wanna have an eraser fight , *sapa kalah , kena rampas . i wanna erase the table surface and playing with the dust . i wanna playing  "card foto" . but i'm the one yg slalu kalah . i wanna sleep with teacher and friends in the class , *curik tulang . haha .

i miss my childhood classmate , they was extra oordinary .